Sunday, February 9, 2014

Homemade Elderberry Syrup for Colds - Special Edition with Herbs for Cough and Bronchitis

It is time to make more elderberry syrup. My last fall's batch is running out and the little ones have the sniffles. The kids love the elderberry syrup and don't resist taking this medicine at all. I have modified my recipe from Mountain Rose Herbs recipe. We take about a table spoon a couple of times a day.

Elderberry syrup

1/2 cup dried elderberries
3 cups water
cinnamon sticks
An inch piece of fresh ginger root
1 cup raw local honey
I added this time a spoonful of each of echinaeayarrow, marshmallow root, liquorice root, peppermint
the following herbs to help support the immunity and fight cough, bronchitis, cold symptoms and inflammation (if available, not necessary to add):

Let all other ingredients except honey simmer in a sauce pan (with a lid on) on low for about 30 minutes. When the mixture has cooled down, strain it and add honey. Store in the fridge in clean bottles or jars. It will keep for a couple of months at least.

Check with your doctor if pregnant, nursing or using the herbal medicine for kids. I haven't double checked all herbs if they are ok when pregnant etc.

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