Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mothers Day Happiness.

This has to be the best Mothers day ever. Miio had selected the theme (Thomas the Train). According to the selected theme I got a Thomas the train card and Miio performed the Thomas tune and told me Thomas stories. Miio is also planning the same theme for Fathers day but it is a secret! Shhh!

I also got breakfast to bed and a shirt, text by Miio that says Äiti on meidän paras (Mom is our best), which in Miio language means that Mom is their favorite. :) And a rose from the garden, a big beautiful rose.

I loved the part of the morning where I was pretending to be sleeping and my husband and son were preparing breakfast in the kitchen. Miio kept running in and whispering to me excitedly things like: "We are baking you a cake! It is a surprise!" Four year olds just can't keep secrets (three year olds neither, it was the same thing last year). And why not, if the secret is so much fun, why not share it right away? ;)

Actually the best part of my mothers day is that I am now a mother of two. Leo Kiian is now 2 months old.

Photo by Erin Maher, check out her site!

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