I felt very happy and honored to receive a review copy of Mickey Trescott's Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook. The book is amazing. It became instantly on of my favorite cookbooks.
It is hard cover, beautiful and inviting book with stunning photography and very delicious looking recipes. All recipes I have tried so far have been very yummy. My favorite (and my kids favorite) so far is the mushroom stuffed cornish hens. And maybe the halibut. And a few other things.
I think we need more cook books like this. Autoimmune diseases are epidemic and people suffering from them don't always get relief from main stream medicine. Nutrition can be another way to ease symptoms by removing problematic foods, heal the gut and make one feel better.
People are intimidated to start allergen free diets as they fear that the food will not taste good. They have tasted some dry store bought gluten free cookies or bread and think that all gluten free food is nasty (and yes, those foods can be nasty). If you make your foods at home from real ingredients using recipes like Mickey Trescott's, the foods will taste delicious and if you serve them to your guests, they will not even know they are "paleo" or "allergen free".
Mickey Trescott speaks from her own experience with autoimmune disease and she has brought healing with a paleo diet, to be more precise autoimmune paleo diet. Autoimmune paleo diet consists of meats, vegetables and fruit excluding processed foods, dairy, legumes, eggs, night shades, nuts and seeds.
When starting a dietary journey like this, it can be intimidating to think of what to eat. Especially if you are not feeling well and are low on energy. Mickey Trescott provides also all basic information and meal plans with shopping lists to follow. The recipes are very thoroughly written and if you follow the instructions step by step you'll soon have delicious meals to enjoy and you won't miss your old foods at all.
I am thrilled to have a cook book that I can use without having to come up with all kinds of substitutions to foods we don't eat. I hardly ever buy even paleo cook books because they often rely heavily on night shades and eggs. I will keep this book on my kitchen shelf and reach to it when I am out of ideas.
Visit Mickey Trescott's website for more information on autoimmune paleo diet, recipes and more. And buy the book from here!
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